Sunday, August 25, 2013

ثمن مصري....؟!

ثمن مصري
ولد عنده 25 سنة اتخرج من الجامعة اشتغل فترة في مصر لغاية ما تم 27 سنة متقدمش في شغله ....مش عارف يحوش بالرغم من ان مرتبه كويس بيخرج بيتفسح عنده عربية بس مش شايف نفسه رايح فين ؟؟ عنده ابوه وامه واخواته عايشين معاه ان ناقصه حاجة هدومه مكويه اكله جاهز بس برضه نفس الموضوع مش شايف نفسه بعد 20 سنة هو زي ما هو بيروح شغله كل يوم اجازاته معروفة الصيف يقضيه في الساحل كله تمام كده 
جت بعدها بفترة جتله فرصه انه يسافر بره بلد اجنبي مش عربي ابوه يقوله اقعد مفيش فايده امه تقوله يا بني انا بكبر وانا وابوك محتاجينك برضه مفيش فايده انا هبقي نفسي بره وزي ما كنت هنا هبقي فل الفل هناك راح القسم خالواظبطوا عشان يطلعلوا جواز السفر راح السفارة بتاعة البلد اللي رايحها ظبط دنيته وقام هوب مسافر راح قعد فترة اشتغل عمل فلوس معقولة قابل بنت اجنبية عجبته اتجوزها " مش عيب ولا حرام ولا غلط  " 
بعد خمس سنين من جوازهم قام خلف منها حلو قوي زي الفل عمر الارض يا سيدي وبعدها بسنتين قام راجع المحروسة تاني زيارة لاهله وناسه واصحابه وجيرانه وحبابيبه وكمان مصلحة يشاء السميع العليم انه يشتغل في فرع شركتهم اللي فتحوه في مصروقالك مصري هيوفر لنا ماشي لحد هنا .....6شهور- لسنة المدام مش طايقة تقعد في البلد مش متعوده على الاتموسفير البلد مش علي هواها يا اخي يلا نرجع ازاي تربي عيالك هنا ازاي ترضي علي نفسك كده المهم بينصاع للامر ويسافر ويرجع البلد اكس ماشي يا عم
المهم تمر بيه السنين والايام وكل سنتين ثلات سنين يقوم مسافر زيارة لمصر وطبعا زيارة خالوا من امريكا بالدنيا كلها 
العيال كبروا العيال اشتغلوا الراجل مبقاش بينزل مصر زي الاول قالك ارجع مصر اموت مش قادر استني شوية ....جه بعد كده قالك البت في حد اتقدم لها من البلد اللي هم فيها الراجل متكلمش قالك البت واللي عايزاه هي حرة واحنا في بلد حر الراجل منزلش مصر لغاية 7 سنين كمان وقام اتوكل علي الله قابل رب كريم ودي الصورة الاكثر تفاؤلا للي بيحصله هناك  البنت خلفت وولادها اتجوزوا من بلاد تانية بعدها بعشر سنين واحد من احفاد الاستاذ اللي سافر بره يقابل واحد مصري يقوم اول كلمة يقولها عشان يفتح معاه موضوع هو ايه ؟؟؟؟؟
Good morning sir do you know that 1/8 of me is Egyptian ?????? :D

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Star Wars " for a human being at his 20's "

Star Wars

         I didn't understand how the Star Wars saga means at all . So I have seen The last 3 Episodes of this saga . Honestly at the beginning I use to have a huge disrespect for everybody Who is a great fan for George Lucas saga . But after seeing the whole parts for an entire weekend I can say : Great pieces of Art from the bottom of my heart . George Lucas crossed to Dark Side of my mind and I am embarrassed to say that LOL .

      Princess Liea with her hair roles I don't know about that haircut at your galaxy but nowadays Some people when they have a normal haircut  its a different thing . They tend to be same hair Cut . You and your mother has the same haircut for like 40 years . I guess you are on plant that Saves money for wars not for stylist

        Luke Skywalker a talented young man who became a Jedi in his late years ..... come on Are you kidding with me for 20 years you didn't try for once in your to find your father or ask About him . I mean you insane technology to destroy an entire plant beside that you got the entire system of star wars . Didn't you miss something baby , But anyway I think you are trying
. I like you man

      I have learned many thing from the politics of star wars . 1st how come they have all this Young people ruling the galaxy am laughing out loud not at you guys but at other people . 2nd is The Jedi representing the military state or not . 3rd Han Solo how come a bandit became so close to the royal family this is weird but I really enjoyed it very much . I have never seen so Many organized thoughts in a saga like that

          Finally Darth Vader  "My Man " after you seeing the full episodes I think I loved being in The Dark Side with you you represented the best and the worst in me . I think you are the best Mean character . And you what maybe in your world you represent Evil but hey you didn't see us

To all Star Wars fans all over the world ... May the force be with all of you

                                                                                    The poor to Allah
                                                                      Mohammed Sabri Mohammed
                                                                                Cairo 2.May.2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My 1st blog

To All my readers /

                        This my 1st blog to the whole world . But what hoping from Allah that this Blog will be a good witness for me not on me .This "Ink" will speak on my behalf in front of Allah on judgment day , so in Allah well I have a few promises to All my readers I wish I can fulfill . 1st promise : I will not Criticize anyone personality,thoughts,ideology or religion . 2nd Am promising All people that are related to me that this blog will not touch any of there personal life . 3rd this is a promise to everyone as a deceleration that I don't belong to any group or any party " Am the watcher :D" . And finally Am promising myself to find peace,care,joy and love that people who care for me praying for me to have it " not a romantic love :D "common people love . And please feel free to reply to my blog Am trying as much as I can to be am open minded person with other people 

                                                                                          The poor to Allah 
                                                                               Mohammed Sabri Mohammed 
                                                                                      Cairo 27.March.2013